Home > Asia, Turkey > Hitchhiking in Cappadocia – Goereme

Hitchhiking in Cappadocia – Goereme

August 12th, 2011

We hitchhiked for two days in Cappadocia to explore the area.We chose this mode of transportation, because we very tired after cycling continuously for 7 days.

A wonderful view opened to the rocky valley closest to Uchisar.We saw numerous cliff towers and all kinds of rock formations all around us.Zita and I were jubilant! Finally we reached Cappadocia on the 48th day of our trip and after bicycling for more than 2,400kms.

A path led to the Sakli church. The chapel chiseled in rock was closed. But through its portal, we could see everything.

We rested comfortably in the shadows of the rocks above the inn.

In front of the museum, we ran into Marco, the Dutch guy, who was cycling around Goereme on a rented bike. Quickly he joined us, and from now on the three of us explored the cliffs.

Ezen a vidéken el lehet gondolkodni az élet dolgairól, főleg anno, micsoda érzés lehetett itt élni, sziklákba vájt lakásokban élni.

What did those people feel 1500 or more years ago, who carved enormous columned porticos from the cliffs, painted beautiful frescos, and created churches from nature.

That evening in Mehmet, Zita cooked a very tasty gulyas soup.


  1. hkolga
    August 12th, 2011 at 21:37 | #1

    Mi van Dani írásával?
    Annyi élmény ér benneteket rövid idő alatt, hogy régmúltnak érzi az ember a pár hete történteket. Még mi is, akik nem megéljük, csak olvassuk az út történetét.
    Ja igen, tegnap volt két hónapja, hogy elindultatok.

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