Home > Asia, Turkey > The day, when we lost 100km, but saved 100.000,-Ft

The day, when we lost 100km, but saved 100.000,-Ft

August 23rd, 2011

When we wanted to make a farewell photo with our hosts, the residents of the parish our camera started making strange noises and the words „System Error (Focus) appeared ont he screen.There was nothing to do, we left our bikes in their place and after surfing the Internet for a short time we set off to the city (town) to find a repairshop for the camera. After a short search we found the shop of Panasonic products.

Much to our suprise they agreed to repair our camera. While we were waiting for the camera being repair, we had the idea to try and find a shoemaker in the town, who could mend the toe-cap of my running shoes. We did find an old shoemaker, who patched up my shoes in this little workshop with the help of his oldfashioned sewing machine.

We rushed back into the Panasonic shop, where to our great delight we found our camera in good working order.

All in all we’we had a happy day today. Although we lost 100km, that was the distance we planned to cover today, but we saved 100.000,-Ft at the same time as we didn’t let my running shoes which had cost fortune  (get ruined = go bust) and we also munayed to get our very expensive camera repaired guite cheaply so we won’t have to buy either at least for the time being.


  1. sanya
    August 23rd, 2011 at 10:36 | #1

    Nagy szerencsétek van!
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    Más úton mentek. A tervezett úton több szép kolostor is van. Haghpat, Aleverdi….
    Merre fogtok haladni?

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