Arrival in Tbilisi capital of Georgia
September 1st, 2011
We enjoyed rolling down, we soon arrived in the first town.
Locals here were also selling some flat breadlike flan along the side of the road. We tasted it.
A few kilometers further we met a ciclyst with a baggage on his bicycle. It was Gregori Yupyk from the Ukraine. He is collecting money with the help of his bicycle trip.
On our right we saw a wide valley and in front of us was Gori, where Stalin was born.
As we were rolling downhill, we crossed rivers alongside roadworks.
In the evening we put up at Rita and Marta’s, who were mother and a three-year old daughter.
The little girl was sweet. At first she was shy, but later she summoned her courage.
They had puppies, too.
They offered us fresh milk and homemade bread.
After waking up Rita was waiting for us and showed us into the kitchen where we were given breakfast.
We decided than after going home, we will also transform one of our rooms into a couchsurfing room, where travelers can stay free, and who we will try to give as much hospitality as we experienced on this trip.
On the main road we proceeded fast and easily to Tbilisi.
Then we arrived.
With the help of the GPS we found the Catholic church easily, where we had our accomodation.
Our host was Arthur from Poland, who once walked from his home to Rome and back.
Locals here were also selling some flat breadlike flan along the side of the road. We tasted it.
A few kilometers further we met a ciclyst with a baggage on his bicycle. It was Gregori Yupyk from the Ukraine. He is collecting money with the help of his bicycle trip.
On our right we saw a wide valley and in front of us was Gori, where Stalin was born.
As we were rolling downhill, we crossed rivers alongside roadworks.
In the evening we put up at Rita and Marta’s, who were mother and a three-year old daughter.
The little girl was sweet. At first she was shy, but later she summoned her courage.
They had puppies, too.
They offered us fresh milk and homemade bread.
After waking up Rita was waiting for us and showed us into the kitchen where we were given breakfast.
We decided than after going home, we will also transform one of our rooms into a couchsurfing room, where travelers can stay free, and who we will try to give as much hospitality as we experienced on this trip.
On the main road we proceeded fast and easily to Tbilisi.
Then we arrived.
With the help of the GPS we found the Catholic church easily, where we had our accomodation.
Our host was Arthur from Poland, who once walked from his home to Rome and back.
Categories: Asia, Georgia Artúr a nem hétköznapi pap, Gori, Georgia, Rikoti, Rita és a kis Maria, Tbilisi
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