Arrival in Iran – Integration and making friends in Tabriz
September 26th, 2011
Even before getting over the border we got a little foretask of the boundless Iranian hospitality from Mahdy himself, who was returning from his fortnightly holiday.
On the border everybody had their photo taken with us and everybody gate us their telephone number so that we could give them a ring, should we have any problem. The bus journey lasted a couple of hours in Iran.
We arrived at Tabriz at night and found campsite by a policeman.
Our policeman woke us up in the morning, too, and then we got an invitation to tea.
We did not pay enough attention; we did not realize that our bank cards cannot be used in Iran. By the time I got out of the bank, Zita was surrounded by a crowd of about 30 people who all in inquired and wanted to help us.
A kind Iranian person gave us dinner: we got delicious scrambled eggs with lavas.
After lunch we popped round to buy clothes for Zita. We bought very thin, light trousers, a top also made of very light material and a headscarf.
In the Eligoli Park we stopped at a campsite, we got an enormous tent, where we could keep our bikes, too.
We had two beds, two chairs and a table, just that we needed.
There we changed oil in the Rohloff geards.
According to strict regulations.
On the border everybody had their photo taken with us and everybody gate us their telephone number so that we could give them a ring, should we have any problem. The bus journey lasted a couple of hours in Iran.
We arrived at Tabriz at night and found campsite by a policeman.
Our policeman woke us up in the morning, too, and then we got an invitation to tea.
We did not pay enough attention; we did not realize that our bank cards cannot be used in Iran. By the time I got out of the bank, Zita was surrounded by a crowd of about 30 people who all in inquired and wanted to help us.
A kind Iranian person gave us dinner: we got delicious scrambled eggs with lavas.
After lunch we popped round to buy clothes for Zita. We bought very thin, light trousers, a top also made of very light material and a headscarf.
In the Eligoli Park we stopped at a campsite, we got an enormous tent, where we could keep our bikes, too.
We had two beds, two chairs and a table, just that we needed.
There we changed oil in the Rohloff geards.
According to strict regulations.
Volt egy évfolyamtársam Brassóban, egy iráni fiú, aki nagyon dühös volt ha azt mondtuk neki, hogy arab.Vigyázzatok ők nem arabok hanem perzsák csak éppen mohamedánok ők is
Üdv István
A blogotokat, olvasva azert jobban informalodnotok kellett volna Irannal kapcsolatban. Akar a kozlekedest, akar az oltozkodest illetoen.
A lazado fiataloknak ne higyjetek, nem igaz az hogy a lakossag tobbsege renszerellenes. Ez a rendszer se tokeletes, de nem adtak el az orszagot mint a sah idejen.
Hey guys, I can’t wait till you get the English version up here. Happy times.
hi . i am so happy to meet my self and your pics on your web site.
Nagyon vártam már az iráni beszámolóitokat. Nagy álmom, Iránt egyszer körbejárni, szóval jó alap a ti blogotok olvasása hozzá.
Elnezest a politizalasert, de nekem meg volt egy csomo irani baratom (mindenfele koru, nemu es muveltsegu) Angliaban amikor meg ott laktunk es ok is mind rendszerellenesek voltak. A sah uralma is szornyu volt, de az nem azt jelenti, hogy a jelenlegi OK. Csak dontsetek mindenrol sajat tapasztalataitok es iteleteitek alapjan, teljesen fuggetlenul attol, hogy mit mond barki mas!!
Elvezem a blogot, leginkabb azt, hogy kezditek utolerni magatokat. Minden jot es sok szerencset a hatralevo uthoz!!
Informálódni? Van fogalmad róla milyen hajtásban voltak indulás előtt??? 2 héttel a 150 fős esküvő után már úton voltunk..És aközben intéztek még vízumokat és felszerelést meg dolgoztak a munkahelyükön.
@Gesyti Dàniel
Na, jólvan, jólvan, azért nem kell rögtön támadni. :) Az ATM dolgot tényleg jó lett volna, ha tudjuk Jerevánban… Mindegy, tanultunk belőle és most már szépen megnézünk mindent előre 5 országra :) Jó, hogy jelentkeztél! :) Szombaton marjuk fel a türkmén vízumot és megyünk tovább Mashhadból.