Goshavank and Aygut – Being guests at a beekeeper’s family
September 9th, 2011
Leaving Ijevan, the surroundings became more enchanting. We were in a rocky valley, surrounded by forests, next to us a creek, and above us, on the mountain edge there are rocks and/or green fields. It was a delight to cycle here.
We met here an Iranian cyclist, Heider Azurpeik, who came from Teheran and will travel around the Caspian Sea.
At the Dilijan-Chambarak junction we decided to visit the Goshavank Monastery.
A steep road leads to the buildings, but a local took us up with a car.
There were a school and a library next to the church.
A lot of teaching was ongoing here. A famous Armenian historical person, Mikhitar Gosh, wrote the “History of Armenia” here.
Gosh is a beautiful settlement; a few meters above, in the village, we found another small church.
As we left Gosh and continued our way in the valley of the Getik River, our surroundings became wonderfully beautiful around us.
On the border of the district, the police stopped us. There was a checking of cars going on along the side of the road. The police looked into each car and greeted everyone. They gave us all kinds of treats.
In the village of Aygut, we were guests of Zsora, Rustam and Nuna.
They are a wonderful, fairytale family in the countryside with three children.
An old, well-thumbed English language book was found, and with its help we could communicate relatively well.
They showed us their apiary.
There were domestic animals: two cows, a small calf, a donkey, a few geese, and a small dog.
The grownup son already has a profession; he is a barber. He cut my long hair.
We took a picture of the family.
It was already afternoon when we said “good by” to the family; but we did not really mind, because we were rested, well fed, had many new experiences, and our hearts were full.
We left their village, Aygut, with a happy heart.
We met here an Iranian cyclist, Heider Azurpeik, who came from Teheran and will travel around the Caspian Sea.
At the Dilijan-Chambarak junction we decided to visit the Goshavank Monastery.
A steep road leads to the buildings, but a local took us up with a car.
At Goshavank we saw things that we have never seen before.
The church is very old, very beautiful, and many Kachgar, i.e., crosses carved in stone are around and in the church.
There were a school and a library next to the church.
A lot of teaching was ongoing here. A famous Armenian historical person, Mikhitar Gosh, wrote the “History of Armenia” here.
Gosh is a beautiful settlement; a few meters above, in the village, we found another small church.
As we left Gosh and continued our way in the valley of the Getik River, our surroundings became wonderfully beautiful around us.
On the border of the district, the police stopped us. There was a checking of cars going on along the side of the road. The police looked into each car and greeted everyone. They gave us all kinds of treats.
In the village of Aygut, we were guests of Zsora, Rustam and Nuna.
They are a wonderful, fairytale family in the countryside with three children.
An old, well-thumbed English language book was found, and with its help we could communicate relatively well.
They showed us their apiary.
There were domestic animals: two cows, a small calf, a donkey, a few geese, and a small dog.
The grownup son already has a profession; he is a barber. He cut my long hair.
We took a picture of the family.
It was already afternoon when we said “good by” to the family; but we did not really mind, because we were rested, well fed, had many new experiences, and our hearts were full.
We left their village, Aygut, with a happy heart.
Szia Árpi! Szia Zita!
Követem az utatokat, szurkolok, hogy minden jól alakuljon.
Azt ugye tudjátok, hogy az alma jó szolgálatot tesz hasmenés és szorulás esetén is?
Jó utat, sziasztok
Szia Zita ás Árpi!
Nagy örömmel olvasom a szinte hihetetlen kalandjaitokat. Én is sok-sok kalandozásom alkalmával szerzett tapasztalatom alapján mondhatom; hogy az egyszerű emberek, -különösen a falusiak- általában rendkívül vendégszeretőek. Különösen akkor, ha messziről jött idegennel találkoznak.
Más: Hasmenésre a legjobb reggelente éhgyomorra egy kis kupica pálinka vagy örmény konyak, napközben pedig néhányszor pár szem orvosi széntabletta…
Jó egészséget mindkettőtöknek, valamint további jó és állandó hátszelet kívánok! Pétör.
Köszönjük a tanácsokat! :)
Elfelejtettem beleírni a bejegyzésbe, hogy természetesen Tőlük is kaptunk egy üveg mézet, méghozzá egy üveg “Arpi arbeit honey”-t, vagyis amit én tekertem este :) És köszönjük Máté Istvánnak, hogy megírta e-mailben, hogy mi mindenre jó a méz… és a fokhagyma :)
Én is követem az utatokat, még jelenleg nem vagyok up to date, de haladok az olvasással.
Nekem is nagy álmom volt egy ilyen túra de még nem jött össze. A közel jövőben az apaság fogja lefoglalni az időmet, de talán utána majd útra kell az egész család.
Sok szerencsét és további jó utat kívánok. Csodálatosak vagytok! :)
Bizony, családdal is lehet utazni, elég csak említeni Pétert, Mariannt akik a 3 éves Ajsával utaznak, vagy a pedalpoweredfamily.com -ékat :) Köszönjük a kívánságokat, mi is sok örömöt és kitartást kívánunk az apasághoz! ;) (nekünk is ez lesz a következő “project”, de csak ha ezt befejeztük!)
Üdv Dushanbe-ből,
Köszönöm! Arra gondoltam, ha mást nem csatlakozom majd hozzátok, amikor átlépitek majd a magyar határt hazafelé! Bár az még nagyon messze van :)