Mianeh, Nik Pay, Zanjan, Emidabad – in Iranian villages
September 29th, 2011
After Mianeh we rolled down into the bottom of the valley, then crossed two tunnels.
We saw an old stone bridge over the river bed with a collapsed middle.
There were unplastered clay houses with flat roofs by the road.
We arrived at a large open area, the other side of which was bordered by multicoloured stripy hills.
The different coloured rocks formed horizontal strata on the hills.
We stopped for lunch at one of the many roadside rest places.
On top of this we started a slight, but more than 100km long, uphill stretch.
After lunch we turned SE, which put us straight into the wind. On top of this we started a slight, but more than 100km long, uphill stretch. We are struggling with the wind and the uphill.
After the rest we put our shoulders into it for a last time, then at a place called Nik Pay turned down into the village.
Mehmet’s living room was a longish, appr. 30 square meters large room, covered in its entirety with carpets.
There was a gas lamp on the wall.
We ate dinner in the middle of the living room, they put down a cloth, and put a large dish of rice with sultanas and roast meat on it.
Lacking a mutual language, we said our thanks for our food with a „Merci”. They smiled, put their hands on their hearts and nodded. This probably meant „With pleasure, you’re welcome”.
We travelled on towards Zanjan, we decided to turn into the town and have a look.
We stopped at a roundabout in the centre of Zanjan.
We had a kebab in a little shop.
After lunch we got an invite by Mustafa for tea.
The girls of the family have also turned up.
The trucks have travelled in convoy.
We spent hours cycling uphill at 12-15km/hour, into the wind, surrounded by traffic.
We stopped at a roadside rest place.
We ate a kebab with rice.
We saw an old stone bridge over the river bed with a collapsed middle.
There were unplastered clay houses with flat roofs by the road.
We arrived at a large open area, the other side of which was bordered by multicoloured stripy hills.
The different coloured rocks formed horizontal strata on the hills.
We stopped for lunch at one of the many roadside rest places.
On top of this we started a slight, but more than 100km long, uphill stretch.
After lunch we turned SE, which put us straight into the wind. On top of this we started a slight, but more than 100km long, uphill stretch. We are struggling with the wind and the uphill.
After the rest we put our shoulders into it for a last time, then at a place called Nik Pay turned down into the village.
Mehmet’s living room was a longish, appr. 30 square meters large room, covered in its entirety with carpets.
There was a gas lamp on the wall.
We ate dinner in the middle of the living room, they put down a cloth, and put a large dish of rice with sultanas and roast meat on it.
Lacking a mutual language, we said our thanks for our food with a „Merci”. They smiled, put their hands on their hearts and nodded. This probably meant „With pleasure, you’re welcome”.
We travelled on towards Zanjan, we decided to turn into the town and have a look.
We stopped at a roundabout in the centre of Zanjan.
We had a kebab in a little shop.
After lunch we got an invite by Mustafa for tea.
The girls of the family have also turned up.
The trucks have travelled in convoy.
We spent hours cycling uphill at 12-15km/hour, into the wind, surrounded by traffic.
We stopped at a roadside rest place.
We ate a kebab with rice.
The heat melted the asphalt under our bycicle tyres.
We saw a „shepherd” herding his cattle on a motorbike.
To the right behind us the Sun disappeared.
Almost at the same moment the Moon rose in front of us on the left.
Zita and Akram’s mother.
Girls and women.
Categories: Asia, Iran Emidabad, gondolatok a kipufogófüstben, Iran, iráni otthon, Mianeh, Nik Pay, Zanjan
Árpi, kár így felpörgetned magad, csak elviszi az energiádiat a naplóírástól :-)
Egyébként egyetértek veletek. Én is ilyen vehemensen kezdtem, úgy néztek rám a rokonaim és barátaim, mintha a holdról jöttem volna. Mára megszokták, hogy bringával járok, textilszatyorba vásárolok, szelektíven gyűjtöm a szemetet, nem veszek új telefont csak azért, mert divat…
A naplóírás épp levezeti az energiámat :) A világot pedig megmentjük! :) Nem osztom a nézetet, hogy az intelligencia evolúciós zsákutca lenne… :)
Nagyon jók az útleírások, hajrá.
Szoktam google mapson próbálom követni, hogy merre jártok épp. Kb az út 1/10-ét tettétek meg, ugye?
Kíváncsi leszek majd az indiai kalandjaitokra is.
Csak így tovább!
Én lemaradtam egy hónappal a túrabeszámolókban, most próbálom behozni. Egyébként nagyon tetszik és én is szívesen mennék egy nagyobb túrára.
Ja és néztem ma is, hogy milyen gyorsak vagytok, mert már délután 4 után fent van a beszámoló a napról és csak most esett le, hogy ti már sokkal keletebbre vagytok, így ott hamarabb vége a napnak! :-)
Magyar idő szerint hétköznap reggel 8 kor kerülnek fel az írások.
Fantasztikusan jó ez a beírás, aztán a fotók!!! Az út, a táj sokszínűsége, a kedves otthonok, emberek, az útszéli bodegák………csodás! Itt, a képernyő előtt ülve is nagyon lehet élvezni. / már kezdek zöldülni :D)) /
Nemcsak a terveitek, hanem az ahhoz való ragaszkodásotok is imponáló. Az előálló helyzetekhez (TV-szereplés, családkongresszus, nyelvek, emberek) elképesztő módon tudtok alkalmazkodni. A napló pedig olyan színvonalú, hogy megéri bárkinek olvasni…
Én is egyet értek, nagyon érdemes olvasmánynak tartom az írásotokat.
Én is szeretek 2 keréken utazni és mivel most nincs annyi szabadidőm, hogy egy nagyobb túrának nekivágjak, de a következő nyáron mindenképp alkotok én is valamit!
A ti példátokból én is önbizalmat kaptam egy kis bicajos világjáráshoz (én persze csak 1000 km körüli túrát tervezek először), de valahol el kell kezdeni!