Ejmiatsin és Zvartnots
September 22nd, 2011
On one of our the last days in Yerevan, we finally managed to visit Ejmiatsin, the Armenian Vatican, the main sight, which we shouldn’t have missed out at all. 
We found the church and we admired it from inside and outside.
There was a part for a museum in the church, too. One of the interesting sights – if not the most exciting one – was the tip of the lance, which had been used to thrust through the crucified Jesus to examine if he was dead or still alive.
Zvartnots is just a ruin, but it is really old.
According to the legend, this place could be associated with the name of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, he had a vision here, after which he decided to introduce the Armenians to Christianity, so in 301 Armenia became the first country that took Christianity as state religion.
We admired the beautiful capital.

We found the church and we admired it from inside and outside.

There was a part for a museum in the church, too. One of the interesting sights – if not the most exciting one – was the tip of the lance, which had been used to thrust through the crucified Jesus to examine if he was dead or still alive.

Zvartnots is just a ruin, but it is really old.

According to the legend, this place could be associated with the name of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, he had a vision here, after which he decided to introduce the Armenians to Christianity, so in 301 Armenia became the first country that took Christianity as state religion.

We admired the beautiful capital.

A text engrossed our interest, which was written into a stone column behind the church. It’s origin is estimated about BC 600. Characters are 2600 year old quite clearly readable and even touchable now.
Hello Arpad and Zita, Although we cannot read the Hungarian pages, from the pictures we can see that you’re having a great time in Asia! We hope the bikes meet your expectations! We wish you happy and healthy travels! Henk and Monique, Nazca recumbents
Kedves Zita és Árpi,
gyönyörűek ezek az örmény templomok mind, amikről írtatok – remélem, egyszer nekem is sikerül meglátogatnom őket. Köszönöm, hogy felhívtátok rá a figyelmet. Jó mulatást kívánok a további utazáshoz!