Régebbi túrák

“A legjobb utazások olyan kérdéseket válaszolnak meg, amelyeken indultadkor nem is gondolkodtál. – A 180° South című filmből


  1. május 4th, 2013 14:12-nél | #1

    Hi guys,

    I am one of the 4 french you met in Vietnam HCM road, just before your dinner in a smol restaurant
    We are now in the “Stans” countries, (actually Kazakh) , and i wanted to ask you the name of the website for the international basic dictionary ?
    I can not remember sorry

    Your pictures are very interesting :)
    I really love it !

    The Pic you shot in the LuangPrabang street is the house front of my Lao Grandma :) crazy

    Hope everything is going very well for you 2 !
    Let me know if you need something

    Have safe roads ;)

  2. Fr.Galton
    december 25th, 2015 02:54-nél | #2


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