Bejárat > Ázsia, Előzmények, Európa > (English) The summary of the year 2011

(English) The summary of the year 2011

március 1st, 2013

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Categories: Ázsia, Előzmények, Európa Tags: , ,
  1. Larry Herr
    június 8th, 2014 05:04-nél | #1

    Hello Zita & Arpi,
    I would like to send a picture that I took of the two of you on February 1, 2014, when you were traveling on the South Island of New Zealand. Please send me your email address and I will attach the picture to an email. I do not know how to use Facebook.
    Larry Herr
    Barrie, Ontario, Canada

  2. Jan Griffin
    július 10th, 2014 02:23-nél | #2

    Hi Zita and Arpi,
    We met you in Katherine, Northern Territory in 2013. It is wonderful to read where you have been. I definitely need more time. I hope you are still travelling :)
    Happy trails from Jan and Bill Griffin, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia

  3. Alfredo (alfred)
    szeptember 2nd, 2014 00:57-nél | #3

    Hi Guys ¡

    We met yesterday sunday 31st, august 2014. Would you like a cup of coffe ? My cell phone is 3314676607. Regards. Alfred Barcena

  4. Arpi
    szeptember 2nd, 2014 15:38-nél | #4

    @Alfredo (alfred)
    Hi Alfredo! :)
    Let see, how busy our day will be! ;) …I will wake up Zita soon and ask her. We have many duties to do while we are here in Guadalajara, but I save your number and we will see! ;)

    Mucho Gusto Amigo! :)

  5. január 16th, 2018 14:06-nél | #5

    Szia, baromira tetszik a cikk :)

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